

ACPHS has all of the tools for a quality education - modern facilities, 杰出的教师, 优秀的项目, 以及重新定义人类可能性的动力. We constantly strive to exp和 our network of students 和 alumni from all over the world.

Three students gather around laptop at a picnic table outside 和 discuss coursework
Approximately ten percent of ACPHS students are from outside the U.S. which means we underst和 your needs as an international applicant 和 will work closely with you to ensure the admissions process goes smoothly.

你是否应该决定在ACPHS注册, we are here to assist with your transition to the College 和 a new country. 教师 和 staff work closely with international students by hosting special orientation events 和 leading off-campus field trips.

An application fee may be required for first year, transfer, domestic, 和 international students. 给到学院进行正式访问的学生, an Application Fee Waiver can be requested by contacting the 招生办公室. Undergraduate students complete the Common Application to apply for admission.

We're thrilled that you are considering 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 for your degree. You can find more information about our outst和ing academic programs below.

Depending on when you graduated (or will graduate) from high school 和 if you have any previous college experience, 你可能会被认为是新生或转学生. 如果你已经完成了大学学位, you may be interested in pursuing a graduate or professional program at ACPHS.

请与 招生办公室 to determine which category of student best describes you 和 your interests!


日期 & 最后期限

To facilitate a successful visa process, our application deadline for international students is 6月1日. 所有的材料, 包括成绩单, 推荐信, 和 proof of financial eligibility must be submitted at this time.

注意: 签证等待时间因国家而异, so we encourage all international students seeking F-1 visas to apply earlier when possible, particularly if they are applying from countries with long wait times.

有关签证等待时间的信息可以在以下网站上找到 旅行.状态.政府 网站. International students with existing F-1 visas or who hold Canadian citizenship may apply after 6月1日, 但我们鼓励尽早申请.

If you have questions or concerns regarding any requirements or our application timeframe, 请与 招生办公室.


SAT 和 ACT test scores will be optional for all first-year students for the Fall 2023, 2024年春季, 2024年秋季入学条件. 如果你已经参加过SAT或ACT考试, we encourage you to submit your scores to enhance your application. 如果你申请的是联合项目, you may be required to submit test scores to other colleges as a part of their application process.


的 SAT examination is optional for all first-year students for the Spring 2023, 2023年秋季和2024年春季入学期限. 欲了解更多信息或注册,请访问 美国大学理事会网站.

的 PCAT examination is optional for all incoming P1 students with a GPA > 3.0. For applicants with a GPA < 3.0,建议使用PCAT.

对于研究生,请参考您各自的课程 招生网页 全球十大赌博靠谱的平台GRE考试.


非美国国籍的申请人.S. 公民还是美国公民?.S. 永久居民 who do not have at least four years of coursework in which English was the primary language of instruction, 需要提交英语水平考试吗.


  • TOEFL: A minimum score on the TOEFL of 474 paper-based (70% of the maximum score of 677), or 84 Internet-based (70% of the maximum score of 120) must be achieved to be considered for admission.
  • 多邻国:最低要求110分
  • 雅思:最低7分

完成的外国证书评估来自 世界教育服务 (WES)或欧洲经委会的课程评估可能需要.

一年级的申请者, unless providing a transcript in English from a well-known English language or international school, 是否应逐一完成一份报告.

如果你已经完成了学院/大学/大专课程, 你必须提交一份每门课程的报告.


SEVIS is the 政府ernment information system managed by the College for current 和 incoming students. 的 database stores all necessary information about each student attending the College who is in the United States on an F-1 visa. Students are charged a College SEVIS fee 和 also a separate 政府ernment SEVIS fee upon acceptance 和 entry into the College. 的 政府费用可以在网上支付 once the student receives his or her Form I-20, Certificate of Eligibility from the College. Students are responsible for updating their information every semester through the 学院小学指定学校主任 (PDSO).


获得在美国学习的学生签证, 学生或学生的担保人, 必须有流动资金来支付相关费用. 请浏览 学生签证流程 了解更多信息.

的 College will issue a student the Form I-20 document which is required to apply for the F-1 visa. 在加拿大以外的国家, the student may have to meet with the United States Consulate in their home country to approve the visa 和 obtain a passport for 旅行 to the U.S. 作为一名外国学生. Currently, the College is only eligible to process I-20 documents for F-1 students.

  • 课程实践训练(CPT) - CPT是替代工作/学习, 实习, or cooperative education arranged with the approval of the student’s program, or any type of required 实习 or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements. CPT takes place during the academic year 和 MUST be undertaken prior to the completion of a course of study. Students in F-1 status must have been lawfully enrolled in school on a full-time basis for at least one full academic year before becoming eligible for practical training.
  • 选择性实习训练(OPT) – Students are eligible after one year of academic work to use 12 months of employment.
  • 经济困难 – Students must provide supportive documents to apply for employment through this process.
  • 在校园 – Students are eligible to hold paying positions on campus once approved through the Primary Designated School Official (PDSO) 和 the Office of 金融援助. 的 student must obtain a United States Social Security Number to be employed by the College.

