
Allied 健康科学

Associate Professor

Focus: 微生物学/Immunology

Contact Information
(518) 694-7314

米歇尔一. 家长,米.S., Ph.D.美国职业足球大联盟(ASCP)厘米


  • Post-doctoral Fellowship, Infection & Immunity of Yersinia, Trudeau Institute, Saranac Lake NY
  • Ph.D. in 微生物学/Immunology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA
  • M.S. in Clinical 微生物学, University of Rhode Isl和, Kingston RI


  • BIO 105微生物 & Me
  • BIO 365/663 Medical Mycology 和 Parasitology
  • CLS 327/610/612 Clinical 微生物学 I
  • CLS 329/620/622 Clinical 微生物学 II
  • CLS 400/BHS 730 Principle of Clinical Laboratory Management 
  • BHS 790 CLS Capstone



弧菌 parahaemolyticus, a Gram-negative bacterium, is the leading cause of seafood-related bacterial gastroenteritis in the United States. Most commonly associated with the ingestion of raw oysters, this emerging pathogen can causes self-limiting gastrointestinal infection, wound infection 和, in the immunocompromised host, significant systemic disease leading to death.  Though the frequency of raw oyster consumption is unknown, approximately 20% of the United States population (60 million) are at increased risk of infection due to immunocompromised conditions.  In addition, the CDC has recently reported a 39% increase in the number of culture confirmed 弧菌 感染. 的re is a dearth of literature regarding the host response to infection, the genes required for organism survival within the host, 和 pathogen elimination. Our goal is to characterize the host response to infection that may allow it to evade the host innate responses 和 potentially contributing to pathogenesis by preventing rapid elimination from the infected host.


  • 2013, 16 & 17: Nominated, University of Delaware Award for Excellence in Teaching & 建议
  • 2011 & 2013: American Association of Immunologists, Early Career 教师 Award
  • 2007: American Society of 微生物学, Early Career 教师 Award


  • 2015-17: Program Director, Medical Diagnostics (MDD) & MDD Pre-Physician Assistant
                    部门 of Medical Laboratory Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark DE
  • 2014-15: Interim Chairperson, 部门 of Medical Laboratory Sciences
                   University of Delaware, Newark DE
  • 2013: Associate Professor with tenure, 部门 of Medical Laboratory Science
              College of 健康科学, University of Delaware, Newark DE
  • 2007: Assistant Professor, 部门 of Medical Laboratory Sciences
              College of 健康科学, University of Delaware, Newark DE


  • American Association of Immunologists
  • American Society of 微生物学
  • American Society of Clinical Laboratory Sciences


  1. Hai Liang, Kristen DeMeester, Cheng-Wen Hou, 米歇尔父, Jeffrey Caplan 和 Catherine Leimkuhler Grimes.  Metabolic labelling of the carbohydrate core in bacterial peptidoglycan 和 its applications. Nature Communications 2017 Apr 20;8:15015. doi: 10.1038 / ncomms15015.
  2. Hickey AJ, Lin JS, Kummer领军LW, Szaba调频, Duso DK, Tighe米, 母马, 笑脸圣 Intranasal prophylaxis with CpG oligodeoxynucleotide can protect against Yersinia pestis infection. 感染Immun. 2013 Jun;81(6):2123-32
  3. 罗迪,林杰生, 母马, Mullarky-Kanevsky I, Szaba调频, Kummer领军LW, Duso DK, Tighe米, 希尔J, 格鲁伯一, Mackman N, Gailani D, 笑脸圣. Fibrin facilitates both innate 和 T cell-mediated defense against Yersinia pestis. J Immunol. 2013 Apr 15;190(8):4149-61
  4. Stephanie Waters, Sanjana Luther, Torsten Joerger, E. 菲德尔玛·博伊德,还有 米歇尔一. 家长. Murine macrophage inflammatory cytokine production 和 immune activation in response to 弧菌 parahaemolyticus 型O3:转K6.  微生物学 & Immunology 2013 Apr;57(4):323-8.
  5. 加里·P. 约翰娜·理查兹. 费伊,凯安娜. 狄更斯, 米歇尔一. 家长道格拉斯·S. Soroka和E. Fidelma博伊德. 弧菌 predatory bacteria as natural modulators of 弧菌 parahaemolyticus创伤弧菌 oyster 和 seawater. Accepted Applied 和 Environmental 微生物学, 2012 Oct;78(20):7455-66.
  6. Brian W. 惠特克, 米歇尔一. 家长, A. 博伊德和E. Fidelma博伊德.  的 弧菌 parahaemolyticus ToxRS Regulator Is Required for Stress Tolerance 和 Colonization in a Novel Orogastric Streptomycin-Induced Adult Murine Model. Infection 和 Immunity, 2012 May;80(5):1834-45. doi: 10.1128 /公司.06284-11
  7. 库马拉斯戈恩卡, 米歇尔一. 家长菲利普·H. Elzer ,和 Cynthia L. 鲍德温. B Cell–deficient Mice Display Markedly Enhanced Resistance to the Intracellular Bacterium Brucella abortus. Journal of Infectious Disease 2011 April 15;203(8):1136-46